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Tasmanian Society for Information Technology in Education

TASITE is an association for teachers and allied professionals using computers in education. Our membership ranges in disciplines across the curriculum, from Early Childhood to the Tertiary sector, and includes librarians, technical and other support personnel.

TASITE was established in 1991 (then known as CESIGT) from the amalgamation of long standing regional CEGT groups. Our objectives are to promote knowledge of the applications of information technology in teaching and learning and to play a role in teachers' professional development.

TASITE organises workshops, talks by guest speakers and site visits to educational and support establishments. We promote professional communication through an on-line discussion list, a contact database of interested members' skills and membership of state, national and international associations.

TASITE was set up as a Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Australian Computer Society and the Tasmanian member of the Australian Council for Computers in Education, the umbrella body for state groups and national representative at international forums. It is also a member of NEAT (Network of Educational Associations Tasmania) and ISTE (International Society for Technology Education)

TASITE members receive the newsletter of the ACS and the journal of the ACCE.

Current TASITE members are eligible to apply for professional associate status with ACCE (subject to criteria). TASITE management meetings are held monthly. Events occur according to demand and opportunity.

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Copyright Tasmanian Society for Information Technology in Education 2003 - 2022.


TASITE is a non-profit organisation.   

C/O ACS - Tasmania Branch
Enterprize Hobart
Level 5, 24 Davey St
Hobart, TAS 7000

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